blue and yellow look

primary colors look

primary colors look

Everyday Minerals Matte Base in Golden Fair
Meow Cosmetics Lush Blush in Hugs & Kitties
Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzing Powder in Milk Chocolate

Too Faced Shadow Insurance
MAC Omega (brows)
Shiro Cosmetics Weepinbell (center of lid and into crease)
Shiro Cosmetics Gyarados (I think it’s called Evolve now — outer lid and into crease, blended with Weepinbell)
Shiro Cosmetics Hyper Beam (I think it’s called Missingno now — under eye)
Shiro Cosmetics White (inner corners and browbone)
Meow Cosmetics Spellbinding (inner corners and browbone)
Milani Eye Tech Extreme Liner
100% Pure Fruit Pigmented Mascara in Black Tea

LUSH Double Chocolate Lip Tint (dabbed on lips)
Hurraw! Lip Balm in Chai Spice

Wiggle Perfume Belle Marie

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